《习近平谈治国理政》第三卷近日面向海内外发行。百通社从7月2日起推出12期双语课堂,带你学习总书记著作中的关键词。今天的关键词是“国家治理体系和治理能力现代化”。(The Modernization of China's System and Capacity for Governance)
“Approach tells more than words, and conduct reveals more the approach.” Practice is the best touchstone of the efficacy of our systems.
I have often said that only the wearer of the shoes knows if they fit or not. The Chinese people know best whether the Chinese socialist system suits the country or not.
Making our state system more mature and better defined constitutes a dynamic process. Modernizing state governance capacity is also a dynamic process. We cannot get there in one step, neither can we falter in our efforts.
The Chinese socialist system and state governance system did not fall out of the sky, but emerged from Chinese soil through a long process of revolution, economic development, and reform. They are the results of a combination of the tenets of Marxism with China’s conditions.
Our state system and state governance system are always directed to realize, protect and develop the fundamental interests of the greatest possible majority of the people, guarantee and improve their wellbeing, and share the fruits of reform among all our people in a fair way.